Why Red Oak

Learn About Our Disciplining


The classroom is structured, orderly, and pleasant, with the children busy at work on activities which they choose for themselves.

Montessori Curriculum

Part of the Montessori curriculum teaches Grace and Courtesy.  Children practice this in the real-life setting of the classroom and on the playground.


Our goal is to see each child as Jesus sees them.  The words discipline and disciple both come from the Latin word discipulus which means pupil.  We do not see discipline as being negative, but as a desirable and needful part of a child’s development.  


Our private Christian education prepares the teacher to allow the child’s God-given potential to manifest. We understand that early childhood is the “Golden Age” for developing a special relationship with God. We understand that the lower elementary child starts to develop a sensitivity to his conscience; therefore, this period is particularly important for moral education.

A Red Oak Christian education is powerful, but how much more powerful is it when the child’s spiritual development is understood? Christian education is an essential part of the child’s spiritual journey, lived out in a safe and welcoming setting.

At ROCMS, our academic areas of focus are mathematics, language, handwriting, science, geography, culture, music, art, practical life, and sensorial. We also include physical education, music, art, and computers. 

Why Choose Us

Our threefold purpose is to glorify, love, and serve the one true God.

Children are created to be filled with love, joy, wonder, trust, excitement, energy and innocence.  Filled with grace and compassion, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (Mark 10:14).

Red Oak Christian School is nondenominational. Our goal is to guide the children and model a Christian life. Our curriculum is centered on basic Christian principles in the Holy Bible. We look for God’s hand all around us and in all we do.