Who We Are

Who We Are

About Red Oak

Red Oak Christian School is a private school.

Your child’s class will be led by an experienced teacher. 

First and foremost, we offer an academic program incorporated into Christian education. An extended care program is available for working families. Please see the Tuition Schedule for more information.

The PreK academic program will include a Montessori curriculum with the full complement of Montessori materials, as well as a tried and true curriculum for grades K through 4. The extended care program has access to outdoor play, lessons, and activities.

Who We Are

Three Purposes of Education

Ultimately, Red Oak offers a Christian spiritual journey lived out in an educational setting.


God’s first purpose for education is for us to discover Him! An education not based on seeking Him is a shadow of what it could be. The world wants our education to be about knowledge. God wants it to be about wisdom.
An education that does not engage the mind in searching for God forfeits the richness of God hidden in His creation and leaves our children’s minds unprepared to contend with doubt and unbelief. Our search for God is a glorious quest – to seek wisdom, learning, knowledge and understanding.


God’s second purpose in education is for us to discover who He made us to be. Our education should be an aid to finding out who God made us to be and empower us to grow in all of our talents.
The child is building his/her personality from within aided by what comes from without. We do not form the child. At best we aid what God intended. At worst we hinder His work.


The third purpose of education is to help our children fulfill God’s intention for them in the world. Throughout the scriptures God commends us to skill and excellence, but He also provides for us the passion for our calling.
Our purpose and passion [are] given to be used to further His kingdom. Having the education to make a living is important but having an education that makes for eternal life and fulfills God’s purpose for time is far more important.

Our Philosophy:

God’s second purpose in education is for us to discover who He made us to be.  Our education should be an aid to finding out who God made us to be and empower us to grow in all of our talents.

The child is building their personality from within aided by what comes from without.  We do not form the child.  At best we aid what God intended.  At worst we hinder His work.